Thursday Ladies Day Lift Ticket

Ladies Day ticket is valid for women 18 and over. YOU MUST ARRIVE TO PICK UP YOUR TICKET BEFORE 3PM. Ticket is then valid until close. Anyone who purchases a Ladies Day ticket who arrives after 3 PM will be charged the cost of the regular ticket.
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Weekday Ski Rental PKG

Includes Skis, Boots & Poles. The rental is for the whole day. You do NOT have to arrive at a specific time to pick up your equipment. For rentals on 12/26-1/2 and MLK Day 1/17/22 and Presidents Day 2/21/22 please click on "Weekend/Holiday" Rentals.

Weekday All Area Lift Ticket

PLEASE GO TO WEEKEND/HOLIDAY PAGES FOR 12/26 THROUGH 1/1. Please purchase any rentals that you need when you book your tickets - rentals sell out a lot so please don't wait!!

5 & Under Weekday Ticket

Please purchase any rentals that you need when you book your tickets - rentals sell out a lot so please don't wait!!